Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wk 9-Lecture Summary

Okay, this week i was unable to make it to the tutorial unfortuantly which i was very disappointed about mainly due to the fact there was a guest speaker- Jason Nelson. Apparently it was one of the best lectures yet so i was even more disappointed. However i did ask a few epople who were at the lecture to explain to me what it was all about so i'm going to try and gie a decent summary of what i understand but keep in mind this is coming from a second hand listener.

The lecture was about Cyberutopia...mmm i heard that and got interested straight away and wanted to find out more. He talked about networking sites and i thought staright away okay this is something i've heard before...facebook, myspace, whats new? but then i started hearing names such as elftown and vampire rave and thought hold on, what are they? So i got on the sites, & I never knew such things existed. I guess that's because my life seems to revolve around facebook and twitter these days. I have to admit though i find them very weird and unorthodox but then again im sure many people out there use them just as much as facebook, twitter or myspace.

Apparently Jason also showed the class some of his digital poetry I had a look at his site and at first thought wow this looks interesting but it wasn't what i had in mind and i have to say, which part of it was poetic? Is there something i'm missing?...It's okay everyone has their ways of expressing poetry i guess. That's technology for you!

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