Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wk 8-Tute task

Sign an E-Petition

Okay i've heard of these before and i'm sure i signed one sometime in the past but can't exactly remember what it was for. Im sure though whatever it was it was a good cause! So i searched for an online petition to stop dolphin slaughter in Japan because i just find that cruel and sad and it is just a bad of a crime as any other. SAVE THE DOLPHINS!

Respond to a professional blogger at a major news site

So for this task i had to search for a professional blogger which i was surprised by because i was completely unaware that major news sites had blogs..not a bad idea i must say. I mean we do live in a democratic country. So i went on the CNN as it came to mind first as a major news site and i watched an interview with Barak Obama discussing how the economy probably won't produce enough jobs until 2010. Sad reality. Recession hit the world hard!

What is Barak Obama up to today?

Ok, so i checked this out on his twitter and he's apparently in the surprising, i think not.

Find out who your local, state and federal representatives are

State: Anna Bligh
Federal: Kevin Rudd
Local: Adrian Schrinner (representative for chandler ward)

Look up the Queensland or Australian hansard to find the last time your local member spoke in parliament

Okay so the last time Adrian Schrinner spoke in parliment was tuesday 27th of February 2009 and it was regarding the good neighbour clean-up scheme.

Read the lecture and the readings, pursue a couple of the topics that you find most interesting and then post your blog with your well-considered thoughts about the theory and practice of politics

Okay, so i have decided to talk about 'clean feed' as it is a topic which has been brought to my attention this week and one in which i strongly disagree about! Basically clean feed The Australian Federal Government's plan to force ISP's (Intenet Service Providers) to censor the internet for all Australians.This plan will waste millions of taxpayers dollars and on top of that slow down internet access. I dont believe this. I mean what is the government trying to achieve by doing this. Really, is it going to stop crime? will it prevent theft? Okay if there are sites which supprt these crimes then yes shut it down by all means but their is no need to filter the internet. These are the areas the government should be concerned about. Yes i understand it protects a child's innocence but their are many programmes parents can use to monitor and block what their kids can see, but is it really fair for the government to decide what we as Australian citizens can or can't view on the net. Anyways, for any who would like to voice their opinion in regards to this issue visit this webiste you can also contact the minister! Now that's an idea.

If Australians let policy makers know exactly what they think about the 'clean feed' internet filter there is a chance we can bring about policy change!

No Clean Feed - Stop Internet Censorship in Australia

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