Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wk 8- Lecture summary

Okay so this week we actually had no lecture but i wish there was becuase it was all about "political Possibilities" , CyberPolitics and eDemocracy, which i must admit i feel worlds apart from the world of politics. Let's just say it's an area i prefer to not go near and just say "next please!". However, i guess it is a huge part of our society and our everyday lives and it's just one of those we have to know about because it affects everyday lives weather we are aware of it or not.

Okay so Cyberpolitics was a term i came across which means the politics of the internet that exists mainy on the net. It revolves around the actual structure and functions of the net which are decided by internet society through to political activities that happen on blogs, games and forums. eDemocracy on the otherhand is the internet's intervention and contribution to policts which exist in real world and off the internet. If you ask me they both sound very similar, actually when i first read it i thought they were exactly the sasme... however my basic concept and grasp of this at the moment is that Cyberpolitics is based ON the net and stays there and eDemocracy starts from the net but affects what goes on OFF the net. Hmmm...hope that made sense. eDemocracy can cover political campaigning on the internet to the people's use of new technologies to criticise governments.

A quick definition of Democracy. Although there is no ONE universal defintion there are many which date back to ancient greek times but put simply Democracy is a system of government in which either the actual governing is carried out by the people governed (direct democracy), or the power to do so is granted by them (representative democracy).

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