Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Me, myself & I

Hello everyone,

I realised that i haven't introduced myself properly so i decided to give you all a small introduction of myself.
As many of you may have already noticed my name is Nelly and i am 20 years old (almost 21...yes i know i'm getting old). I am currently studying a bachelor of communication in which i hope to major in PR and Marketing-or how most people like to call it, 'how to be nice to people', strange but true. I decided to choose this path based on previous experience in the marketing industry and thought having PR alongside it would work to my advantage. So far i am enjoying the 1501HUM-new communication and technology course, i find it is enjoyable and fits in perfectly with my everyday routine. What i mean by this is that i am so used to using the popular facebook and twitter daily that having to write regular blogs for this course comes naturally to me.

Moving on i'll give you a super quik summary of a few of my interests. I love the beach, watching new movies, meeting funny people (because laughter is the best medicine) and i have an addiction to frozen coke-yes i admit i have no one to blame but myself for those mornings i wake up with a sore throat. Oh and one more particular item of interest or people who know me might call it an obsession but i absolutely, undoubtedly LOVE shoes.

That is enough about me for now, as much as i'm sure you all want to know more but i'm positve there is alot more to discover about my character over the next couple of weeks....and besides everone loves a mystery.

Until we next meet goodbye and remember to keep smiling.

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