Thursday, August 27, 2009

Week 5- The 3D and IM experience

Social networking can be broken up into IM and 3D chat rooms. There are qualitative differences that divide the two. IM or instant messanging are for example msn, yahoo, skype, facbook and myspace and 3D worlds could be World of War Craft, IMVU, Habbo Hotel, Second Life and active world to name a few. The main difference between the two is that with IM you would most likely know the person you are speaking to and the communication methods are through text and a webcam. With The online 3D worlds you create your own character or 'avatars' however this still does not give the user any idea of who the other person is. So that sense of identity is missing but i guess some people enjoy the idea of speaking to a complete stranger. I guess i would prefer IM experience over the online 3D experience due to the fact that i know exactly who i am talking to and i eel like i am talking to an actual person and not a computerised character from an electronic game...that's my opinion.

Week 5-Lecture Summary

Firstly, i would like to make it official that i am a social media expert! What makes me a social media expert is the fact that i use facebook and myspace which are social networks. I wanted to start off by saying that because it was something interesting i learnt and took away with me from this week's lecture. It's amazing how easy it is to claim that title. Anyways this week's lecture revolved around social media and web 2.0. Basically social media are social networking sites(facebook,myspace,twitter etc.) which are created by the individual indentity that creates a virtual community through these sites. These sites allow everyone and anyone to access them and create their own personal page with blogs, photos, videos and so forth. They are a way of communicating with people without face to face contact.

However what people do not realise is the issue of 'privacy' surrounding sites sites as facebook and myspace. Although, users may think that they have complete control over their web page these companies still have overall ownership and are able to access people's personal information and photos and use them without the user's permission. It is a real eye opener as many of us do not take the time and read the IMPORTANT privacy statement before signing up to these social networks. Before people set up their social networking group there is something called T.O.S which is the terms of service which they have to agree to. Many however are unaware of this important step.

I would also like to include an article regarding facebook's new implementation of privacy settings.,28348,25993102-5014239,00.html

During the lecture we also learnt about something called 'attention economy' or in other words "who wants your eyeball?" This is done using something called a "cookie". For example say there was an advertisement on this page and someone clicked into it, the cookie can collect information such as: The server your computer is logged onto, your browser type, the date and time of your visit. This is all done to improve marketing performance.

Week 4- Language of the screen

I came into this week's lecture quite excited because i was familiar with the topic as i studied screen analysis last semester. So i was pleased about that and looking forward to it. It was nothing new to me and was fresh in my mind. The screen is a great means for communication as this day in age people love watching movies! There is however more to the big screen then meets the eye. People view a film and only take with them perhaps the storyline but don't realise that there is so much more depth behind every scene. Each scene contains several camera shots/angles which reveal the five W's-Who? What? Where? When? and Why? They reveal certain effects, character expressions, motives, status, relationships and many more. These are all vital for the film's plot development and can reveal important information to the audience.

Week 4- Search Engines

When doing research on the net i always have my top two preferences with search engines. One is google and second is wikipedia. For the reason that i nearly always find exactly what i'm looking for and in the case where i don't i use other alternatives such as yahoo or ninemsn. With the growing number of companies entering the search engine market it raises the question of wheather or not they will survive a market which is dominated by a few players.

The following article discusses the war of the search engines and the history of search business....

Week 4- Scavenger Hunt

The tutorial task for this week was to find out the answers to the following questions using a search engine that isn't google or wikipedia.

1.What did Alan Turing wear while riding his bicycle around Bletchley Park?
A: a gas mask (

2.On what date did two computers first communicate with each another? where were they?
A: 1969 (

3.What is Bill Gates' birthday and what age was he when he sold his first software?
A:Bill Gates' Birthday is on the 28th of October 1955 and he sold his first software at 13yrs of age. (

4.Where was the World Wide Web invented?
A:CERN-The European Organisation for Nuclear Research in Switzerland. (

5.How does the power of the computer you are working on now compare with the power of a personal computer from 30yrs ago?
A:Much faster, smaller and more efficient. (

6.What is the weight of the largest parsnip ever grown?
A: unknown

7.When did Queensland become a state and why is the Tweed river in New South Wales?
A:June 6 1859 and the Tweed river was a result of a volcanic erruption that occured 20million yrs ago. (

8.What was the weather like in South-east Qld on 17 November 1954?
A:The was heavy flooding and a tropical cyclone (

9.Why is Lord Byron still remembered in Venice?
A:For his poetry and because he was a leading figure in romanticism

10.What band did Sirhan Chapman play in and what is his real name?
A:Band-The black assassins. Name-Stephen Stockwell (

Week 3- The twitter EVOLUTION!

This is a video i found about twitter and the many famous celebrities who are part of the twitter club. What it is basically trying to convey is that twitter has become almost a necessity of everyday life and the whole world's hooked onto it, even hollywood! It's pretty funny so i liked to share it with you all and although i find it quite sad that people feel the need to twitter all day everyday it is a true reality. So check it out!

Week 3- My experiences with communication technologies

When i think about just how much communication technologies surround my everyday life i awaken to the realisation that technology has evolved so rapidly over the last decade or so. my first significant encounter with communication technology was when i was given a nokia mobile phone for my fourteenth birthday. I have to admit back then it was called a 'brick' rather then a mobile. I used to use it mainly so that my parents could contact me when i was at a friends house or a party. Back then mobile phones were the most popular way of communicating with each other now it all evolves around the internet.

Social networking has become a phenomenon of the 21st century, with sites such as facebook, myspace and twitter to name a few, all in which are based on building social networks. over the past two years i have used both facebook and myspace to communicate with friends, family and work colleagues. It is a great way to stay in touch with everyone and updated with what their all doing. Now i know that it is not that important to know what people are doing every second, minute and hour of each other but i have to admit i do like other people knowing what i get up to!

In terms of privacy i am careful with what information i choose to include and i never put up anything that i wouldn't want the public to see. Personally, phone texting is the best when i want to send a message only to particular people .However i honestly think people should be more aware of the privacy issues surrounding these sites before putting up photos and personal information. I myself have not got any friends on my facebook and myspace who i have never met before in person. I much rather have met that person because if adding a complete stranger there is no guarantee they are who they say they are!

Week 2-A short history of Computing and the internet

I found this weeks lecture quite interesting although we didn't get through the lot. I was happy that i got to learn about the history of computers and the birth of the first computer. We take these sophisticated machines for granted but got no clue about their origins. Well now i know.

Turns out the inventor of the first digital computer was Charles Babbage who was born in 1971. Babbage came up with the plans for the analytical engine, the forerunner for the modern digital computer. It wasn't until the 1950's where computers were first commercially produced by IBM and were used for military, government and corporate work. It is amazing to see how computers have come such a long way. They started off looking like large boxes and now the modern computers can fit into a hand bag. As i was on youtube i came across an interesting slide show about Charles Babbage's analytical computer engine and thought i'd share it with you all!

In this new device, he dreamed of performing any mathematical operations based on the instructions from punched cards (memory unit to store numbers), sequential control and other operations. However Babbage was unable to complete the Analytical Engine, until his notes were discovered in 1937.

Besides the Analytical Engine and calculator inventions, Babbage created dynamometer, standard railway gauge, heliograph ophthalmoscope, Greenwich Time signals, occulting lights at the lighthouse and the locomotive cowcatcher. He is also credited for establishing the modern postal system in England.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Week 1-wearable technology fashion

Due to my frequent visits on youtube i stumble across many interesting videos and it amazes me as to how much more people are willing to broadcast themselves and share their thoughts and ideas with the whole world! I still don't think i am ready or courageous enough to do these kinds of things but im happy that many people out there are and for that i have decided to share a video i came across on youtube.

I thought that this was great as it combines my love of fashion with technology! I have never seen anything like this and i only have one word to say for it, GENIUS! I can't wait to find out what they come up with next.

Check it out!

It is the wearable technology fashion show which came together at the Boston Museum of Science. The company is called Seamless: Computational Couture and models and designers from around the world participated in the event showing off designs that incorporated technology.

Week 1-Lecture summary

So this week's lecture i found to be quite enjoyable. It was an introduction to new communication and technology, which comes as to no surprise seeing as this is what the course is all about! Now i could definately say that this lecture i CAN relate to.

See how many of the following you can relate to:
Sms-text messaging

I'm sure most of you ticked at least half of the above. Well i can say that i can relate to ALL and many more. The vast range of new communication technologies are quikly increasing and this means that people are able to stay in touch with one another more often and are up to date with the latest news and media coverage. Without the presence of media and the advanced communication methods today, the gap between the
speaker and the listener would be great and it would take much longer for the message to be conveyed across to the other side. Communication in my words is basically the process of transfering information from one source to another. It could be through newspapers, Television, internet, mobile phones or simply from mouth to mouth. As incredible as this might sound, there is always room for error and a breakdown in communication can lead to a misunderstanding, confusion or a disaster in a worst case scenario.

Overall i found this week's topic interesting and i learnt some facts which i never knew until now, which proves that you learn something new everyday!

Me, myself & I

Hello everyone,

I realised that i haven't introduced myself properly so i decided to give you all a small introduction of myself.
As many of you may have already noticed my name is Nelly and i am 20 years old (almost 21...yes i know i'm getting old). I am currently studying a bachelor of communication in which i hope to major in PR and Marketing-or how most people like to call it, 'how to be nice to people', strange but true. I decided to choose this path based on previous experience in the marketing industry and thought having PR alongside it would work to my advantage. So far i am enjoying the 1501HUM-new communication and technology course, i find it is enjoyable and fits in perfectly with my everyday routine. What i mean by this is that i am so used to using the popular facebook and twitter daily that having to write regular blogs for this course comes naturally to me.

Moving on i'll give you a super quik summary of a few of my interests. I love the beach, watching new movies, meeting funny people (because laughter is the best medicine) and i have an addiction to frozen coke-yes i admit i have no one to blame but myself for those mornings i wake up with a sore throat. Oh and one more particular item of interest or people who know me might call it an obsession but i absolutely, undoubtedly LOVE shoes.

That is enough about me for now, as much as i'm sure you all want to know more but i'm positve there is alot more to discover about my character over the next couple of weeks....and besides everone loves a mystery.

Until we next meet goodbye and remember to keep smiling.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Week 2- Co-founder of Apple computer

Apple computer co-founder Steve Wozniak speaking to the tri-valley mac users group on June 21, 2007.

(Photo by Edward Woods)

Spider's cocaine Jesus

Check this out on youtube! What are they going to come up with next!??